Going home after your stay
Sometimes you still need care after you leave hospital. We work with many care organisations that can help you, so you always get the right care.
Follow-up care
Depending on your treatment and your home situation, you might need follow-up care. Before you leave hospital, we will talk to you and your family about the care you need.
Sometimes you only need to use medical devices. You can get these devices from the home care shop, or you can borrow them from a local organisation. You can borrow medical devices for up to 6 months. Do you need them for more than 6 months? Then ask your health insurance provider or the WMO department at your municipality to arrange this.
You may only need help with housework. You can arrange this yourself. You can also ask the WMO department at your municipality to arrange help with housework.
Care homes and nursing homes usually have a waiting list. If you need this kind of permanent care, you may have to briefly stay in a facility that’s not your first choice. Later, you can often move to your preferred facility.
You have to arrange your own follow-up care, but we are always happy to help. If you want us to help you, you must give us permission. You can do this by filling in a permission form that the nurses can give you.
If you sign this form, you give us permission to share your medical and nursing information with Zorgspoor. Zorgspoor is a secure website where care facilities can arrange the right care for their patients.
You tell us which facility, or which home care organisation, is your first choice. Then we put your request on Zorgspoor. When we have found suitable care for you, the organisation will contact you. They will then talk to you about the follow-up care you need.
Sometimes you can’t go to your preferred facility right away. If that happens, you will go somewhere else – at least at first. If a spot opens up in your preferred facility, you can always switch.