Making a complaint
We work hard every day to provide the best possible care. Still, you might not be happy with the care you received at Diakonessenhuis. If this is the case, we would very much appreciate to hear about your complaint. We can then look for a solution together.
How to tell us about your complaint:
- Use the online complaints form at the bottom of this page to send us your complaint.
- You can also call us on 088 250 6143 to talk to our Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer is available on working days from 9.00 to 12.30.
The leaflet ‘Have a complaint? Let us know’ (in Dutch) has more information about how to complain to the Complaints Officer. It also explains how you can submit a claim for damages.
Online complaints form
Online complaints form Please let us know if you have a complaint, or if there’s anything else that you’re not happy with.
If you have a complaint about your bill
If you have a complaint about payment for your care, the costs on your bill, our prices or your insurance deductibles, you can complain to the Care Administration department.
If you have a complaint about parking or about our other facilities
If you have a complaint about parking or about our other facilities, you can complain to the Facilities department.